"That we have written an equation does not remove from the flow of fluids its charm or mystery or its surprise..." |
To paraphrase the great Richard Feynman, the nature of fluids is both beautiful yet mysterious, and our ability to mathematically model and describe fluid phenomena hardly detracts from that beauty. Instead, it only further enhances that mysterious charm while allowing us to use it for practical means. In this collection of lessons, the main goal is to do just that: to dig deep into the world of fluids and divulge its inherent beauty and potential. Upon completing this course, you will be proficient in the following skills:

1D Reynolds Transport Theorem
This lesson serves as a preliminary introduction to fluid mechanics and first covers some basic concepts - such as different analytical approaches, systems vs control volumes, etc. Then, the 1D Reynolds Transport Theorem is derived in order to relate control volume parameters to system parameters.
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